martes, 26 de abril de 2022

Supergirl and the inspiration for humanity: In the real world, heroism can be lived.

The Supergirl television series is an adventure with high-level special effects and impact scripts. Thanks to Melissa Benoist and the great talents in front of and behind the cameras.

Thanks to Supergirl, it was confirmed that the superhero universe can reach new levels. Thanks to the evolution of the episodes, it was confirmed that there is no need to settle and that new paradigms can be created.

For example:

* Supergirl did not confine herself to stereotypes and established that heroism is great by force of feeling.

* Kara Danvers did her job well, overcame obstacles, extolled the greatness of humility, and grew into greater heroism.

* The complete television series of Supergirl confirmed that humanity is great for its diversity and that the greatest power of the Earth and the Universe is love.

The Supergirl television series did not have an end point. It will continue to inspire in the videos and the hearts of generations; and will continue to create heroism through testimonies that change realities and give light to souls. Blessings to all.

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